Crystal Index A-Z

Crystal Index A-Z


Agate is known for its ability to harmonise the energetic flow within the body, mind and soul. Its gentle vibrations relieve stress and anxieties and bring stillness to the mind, acting as a warm companion in times of emotional turbulence. Agate is also believed to absorb and transmute negative energies. Carry a piece of Agate with you in your day-to-day life to banish unwanted thoughts and to invite tranquillity into your life.


Amazonite carries a soothing energy that resonates with the heart and throat chakra, it's a gentle heart-healing crystal that will provide comfort and moments of bliss when we need it the most, it soothes emotional wounds, turbulent minds and reinvigorates the spirit. Keep a piece of Amazonite with you if you’re on the path to self-discovery, as its ethereal connection is said to empower communication, allowing us to articulate our deepest desires and manifest our intentions with clarity. Amazonite also guards against negative energies, forming a protective shield that deflects ill intentions, making it a perfect crystal to have dotted around your home, particularly near the front and back doors, to stop unwanted energies from entering.


Ametrine is both a mix of Amethyst and Citrine, the two crystals work perfectly together to guide us towards our goals whilst also protecting us from negative energies on our path. With Citrine attracting wealth, prosperity and success and Amethyst enhancing our intuition and allowing us to be more spiritually aware, it makes it the perfect combination to help us reach our goals.


Amethyst is a strong protective crystal, it protects against all forms of negative energy, it's perfect for taking on your travels as it eases the stress and anxieties from being away from home for long periods of time, it also soothes irritability and enhances our intuition which is great when we are in new surroundings as it can create a sense of calm and familiarity, like a warm hug. If you have a creative side, use Amethyst to inspire and motivate. 

As Amethyst graces the corners of your home with its mystical aesthetic, its ethereal vibrations form a protective barrier that shields against negative energies and discordant frequencies


Amethyst Agate holds soothing energies that act as a gentle balm for the soul. Its comforting hues and magical tones offer a protective mantle that shields against the tumultuous currents of daily life, offering a refuge of calm amidst the chaos. Amethyst Agate heightens our connection to the higher realms, unlocking the gates of inner wisdom and guiding us along the pathway of intuition. 


Tourmaline in Quartz removes negative energy blocks and turns negative thoughts into positive thoughts whilst also strengthening the body's energy field to prevent negative energy from returning. It balances Yin and Yang and harmonises the chakras. Tourmaline is a great crystal to work with if you suffer with self-destruction as it helps to eliminate destructive patterns. Place a piece of Black Tourmaline by your front door to stop negative energies coming into your home.


Carnelian is a fiery gem full of enchantments, its vibrant energy resonates with the mystical forces of the sun, with orange and red hues that mimic a mesmerising sunset. Carnelian is said to embody the essence of courage and vitality, igniting the life force within us and infusing our spirit with a surge of passion and creativity. It is also known as the stone of transformation and will transmute stagnant energies, facilitating the rebirth of our inner flame. Carry a piece of Carnelian with you or wear as jewellery, to banish self-doubt and to support you in finding your newfound confidence.


With its delicate sky blue palette, Celestite captures the essence of divine serenity. Its gentle energy resonates with the celestial realms, fostering a sense of inner peace and tranquillity. Celestite is a beautiful crystal to work with during meditation as it is believed to bring forward the harmonies of the universe and create a sacred sanctuary. It is connected to the upper chakras, particularly the throat chakra and the third eye chakra, therefore it is great for promoting expression and insight, enhancing communication with divine wisdom and illuminating the path of self-discovery.


The soothing yet powerful energies of Chrysocolla support the heart and the throat chakras, inviting us to embark on a magical journey of self-expression and emotional healing. It navigates the labyrinth of emotions, revealing hidden truths and fostering a deep connection with the soul’s song. Chrysocolla invites tranquillity and inner peace, radiating healing, balance, and a profound connection to the unseen forces that shape the fabric of our existence. 


Citrine is like a powerful burst of sunshine on a cloudy day, serving as a beacon of light during times of darkness, uplifting the heart and spirit and infusing us with a newfound sense of vitality and zest. Citrine is a potent tool for transformation, manifestation and self-discovery, inviting us to delve into the depths of our beings to unlock our full potential. Citrine sparks creativity and inspiration. It’s a wonderful crystal to work with if you are welcoming change into your life, undergoing a new project or entering a new era, as it acts as our personal cheerleader, cheering us on when we need it most. 


Clear Quartz is a wand of ethereal potency, channelling the forces of creation and transformation and inviting us to embark on a journey of self-discovery. It is also known as the 'master healer' crystal, it absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy. It's a great stone to work with if you're new to the crystal world as it is the most versatile. It clears negative thoughts, improves mood, reduces stress and anxieties, unblocks negative energy flows, provides mental clarity and it also aligns all the chakras. You can also pair Clear Quartz with other crystals to boost their energies.


Desert Rose Selenite is woven with the threads of spiritual insight, protection and transformative energies, it will guide and guard you on your spiritual journey as it is believed to create a protective cocoon around the seeker. It will ward off negativity and create a sanctuary where the spirit can soar into a higher state of consciousness. Desert Rose can also cleanse and purify energies, acting as a gentle breeze sweeping away stagnant vibrations. It also helps us to break negative behavioural patterns and embrace a rebirth of the soul, encouraging self-reflection and personal growth.


Fluorite is a cleansing and purifying crystal, it removes negative energy blockages and helps to stabilise positive energy too. It is a great crystal to take into work or school as it is said to boost concentration levels. Fluorite is also a great crystal to work with if you are meeting new people as it helps us to understand and maintain relationships. Fluorite absorbs and neutralises negative energy and helps us to remain calm in stressful and overwhelming situations. If things are feeling a little tricky recently, carry a piece of Fluorite with you to ease anxieties and encourage a positive mindset. It is also said to improve balance and coordination so a great crystal to keep close by when completing difficult tasks.


Garnet is a crystal that is associated with the heart chakra, it attracts all types of love into our lives, including self-love, it motivates us to put the work in to live and enjoy a happy and well balanced lifestyle. Garnet also encourages us to be gentle with ourselves, our heart and our mind. It's a great crystal to work with if you struggle with the guilt of 'resting' as it allows us to take time for ourselves and practise self-care with ease.


Girasol Quartz holds gentle but powerful calming energies, it soothes the mind and creates a calm and tranquil environment. It's connected to love and passion and allows those feelings to become clearer and encourages us to express our thoughts more freely. Girasol Quartz also kickstarts motivation and amplifies manifestations, so a wonderful crystal to work with whilst journaling or under a new moon.


Golden Healer is Quartz with Iron inclusions, making the golden yellow colour. Golden Healer activates the solar plexus, restores natural balance and harmony and encourages us to 'glow'. Feelings of love and happiness are enhanced when carrying this particular crystal around with you. It's a great crystal for working with under a full moon when you wish to set intentions, as it amplifies intentions and also aids in transformation and positive change.


Golden Rutile is a stone of determination, it gives us the strength we need to allow us to overcome difficult obstacles. Golden Rutile is a great crystal to work with if you suffer from jealousy as it protects us from thinking ill of others and also encourages us to be more accepting of others too. It's great to carry with you if you are struggling to let go of a negative mindset or if you let negative thoughts consume you for longer than they should as it will help you to let those thoughts go by promoting spiritual growth and cleansing our energies and our aura.


Hematoid Quartz, also known as Fire Quartz is Quartz with Hematite inclusions. Hematoid Quartz holds the amplifying energies of Clear Quartz and the balancing and stabilising energies of Hematite. It clears and focuses the mind and helps us to get our thoughts in order. It also inspires creative thinking and originality. If you're struggling with low self-esteem, Hematoid Quartz is a great crystal to work with as it boosts self-worth and self-confidence.


Honey Calcite promotes feelings of self-worth and boosts self-confidence, it gives us the strength we require to overcome difficult obstacles in life. Honey Calcite also allows us to focus better in stressful and busy environments. Carry Honey Calcite with you to soothe the mind when you are working as it also inspires us to learn something new.


Howlite is a stone of awareness, it relieves an over-active mind and helps us to gather our thoughts. It's also a great stone to work with if you are starting a new project or learning something new, as it helps to keep our minds focused on the task at hand and also keeps the desire to learn new things alive.


An Inner Child in Quartz is where another tiny crystal point has grown inwards inside the crystal and within this magical perspective, Quartz is not just a crystal entity, but a vessel that encapsulates the pure essence of our inner child, a reflection of innocence, wonder and boundless imagination.


Iolite is a guiding stone, assisting us on our spiritual journey and leading us on the right path. It increases motivation and helps us to feel less 'stuck'. It stimulates and strengthens the mind and allows us to feel present in the moment. 


Kambaba Jasper is associated with a soothing and nurturing energy. It is a stone connected to the earth and nature so it makes for a wonderful grounding crystal. It brings a sense of tranquillity and calmness into our lives, making it beneficial for reducing stress and anxieties whilst also promoting relaxation and stillness. Kambaba Jasper assists us in finding balance in stressful or tricky situations. As it is also linked with the heart chakra, it helps us to practise self-care and self-love and clears and prevents emotional blockages. 


Kunzite is a powerful healer of the emotional body, it heals the mind and the heart whilst also opening our hearts to allow us to give and receive love. Kunzite removes emotional blockages that are stopping the heart from moving forward so it can be a great crystal to work with if you are going through a break up. 


Labradorite is known for being a powerful protective crystal that possesses strong emotional healing powers, it guards us from negative energy and can create a protective shield around us when we are in unsettling or stressful situations. Labradorite is also a great stone to work with when meditating as it strengthens our intuition and spiritual awareness, whilst also working to ease stress and anxieties. 


Larimar is connected to the throat chakra and aids in communication, emotional healing and is also said to reduce stress and anxieties. Larimar is a great crystal to work with if you are carrying out a new project as it promotes self-expression and creativity and allows us to express ourselves more freely. It also creates a calming and tranquil environment for us to work in, which also makes it a great desk companion at work or at home.


Malachite clears negative energy and clears and cleanses the chakras and opens the heart to unconditional love. It's a great crystal to work with if you have difficulty breaking negative thought patterns as it allows us to embrace and accept change more easily and assists in spiritual growth.


Mica is renowned for its ability to deflect negative energies and restore balance to our life. It strengthens our spiritual aura, fostering a profound sense of serenity and wholeness that invigorates the body, mind and soul. Mica guides us on the path to self-discovery, whilst also providing protection and guidance along the way. During our healing journey, Mica becomes a trusted ally, unlocking the mind from its self-imposed constraints and allowing us to perceive the world with newfound clarity. The shimmering beauty of Mica acts as a gentle but powerful anchor, grounding us in the present moment and reminding us of the magic that resides within.


Morganite opens and heals the heart chakra and attracts the abundance of love into our lives, whilst also assisting us in maintaining the love as it continues to grow. Morganite evokes a sense of peace, joy and inner strength and encourages a growth of confidence and power. Morganite is a great crystal to work with if you struggle to express your emotions as it eases a busy and overworking mind and allows us to gather our thoughts.


Ocean Jasper activates and aligns our solar plexus, heart and throat chakra. It helps us to welcome joy and happiness into our lives and works as an excellent emotional stabiliser and encourages us to be more vocal with our emotions. If you have recently suffered a loss, carry a piece of Ocean Jasper with you to help ease a heavy heart.


Opal is believed to balance and heal emotional energy, allowing us to release negative emotions and bring a sense of calm and positivity. It encourages self-confidence, self-worth and self-esteem. 


Optical Calcite is a colourless form of Calcite with unique rainbow patterns inside. Optical Calcite is said to provide mental clarity and focus, helping to clear the mind of distractions and confusion. It has a calming effect on our emotions, helping to reduce stress and anxieties, whilst also promoting self-confidence and a sense of inner-peace. If you are on a healing journey, meditate with this crystal as it assists in spiritual development and provides a deeper connection with the divine, enhancing intuition and psychic abilities.


Peach Moonstone is a crystal that holds feminine energy, helping us to make mindful decisions and conscious choices. If you have recently fell out of love with a hobby or passion, work with Peach Moonstone to reignite the spark for the things you love. It's also a crystal that works well for intuitive or sensitive people by providing support, balancing emotions and enhancing psychic abilities and clairvoyance.


This beautiful and luminous green gem is believed to be born from the tears of the goddess Pele. Captivating the senses with its celestial energy and ancient lore, Peridot emerges as a talisman of abundance and transformation. Embrace the powers of Peridot by working/meditating with it during a sunlit dawn, as it is a stone of the sun, it will radiate us with the warmth of the solar energies and infuse us with vitality and joy. It assists in spiritual growth and encourages the blossoming of our potential and the shedding of old and limiting energies.


Periwinkle Rose Quartz connected to the heart and crown chakras and is said to facilitate a divine connection, infusing our spirit with love and enlightenment. Its magical energies encourage the blossoming of spiritual awareness, creating a sacred space where we can attune to the higher frequencies of divine love and compassion. Hold Periwinkle Rose Quartz close to you if you are suffering with grief, heartache or loss, as its gentle vibrations provide a feeling of comfort and a sense of serenity, dissolve stress and anxiety and uplift the soul.


Phantom Amethyst is a powerful healing crystal that is said to help with spiritual growth, emotional healing and physical well-being. It can promote clarity, intuition and creativity, making it a great crystal to work with for new projects, exams, art and writing. Phantom Amethyst also protects against negative energy and soothes irritability and stress.


Phantoms in crystals are caused by a temporary interruption of the crystal's growth, which allows another mineral or crystal to grow on top of it. When growth resumes, the new crystal forms around the existing crystal, leaving a visible phantom or shadow inside.


Pink Chalcedony holds supporting energies, it encourages us to be more kind and compassionate and assists us in displaying empathy towards others. It protects us from negative energy and helps us to feel less overwhelmed in stressful and triggering situations. Pink Chalcedony encourages us to be generous and benevolent on all levels, emotionally, physically and financially.


Pink Opal opens and activates the heart chakra and fills the aura with calm and tranquil vibrations whilst also strengthening our connection with our inner self. Carry Pink Opal with you if you are recently going through a break-up or if you've lost a loved one as it eases emotional pain, helps us to deal with loss and overcome heartbreak and allows us to move on and grow from emotional traumas.


Pink Optical Calcite infuses us with a sense of serenity and profound love into the very essence of our being. Its mystical vibrations resonate with the frequencies of compassion and empathy, acting as a beacon of emotional healing for those who seek solace within its gentle embrace. It is known for its ability to orchestrate a symphony of peace and tranquillity within the soul. Carrying a piece of Pink Optical Calcite with you on your healing journey will guide you through the labyrinth of your own magical existence, bestowing you upon the extraordinary gifts of love and healing and illuminating the path of wonders that lie ahead for us.


Pink Tourmaline is connected to the heart and the throat chakra. It brings light to the heart and attracts the divine into our lives. It's a beautiful heart-warming crystal filled with soothing and calming energies, like a soft and fluffy blanket wrapped around us. It supports emotional healing, promotes self-love and alleviates stress and anxieties. Carry a piece of Pink Tourmaline with your or wear as jewellery as a gentle reminder that you are loved and you are enough.


Prehnite clears and opens the heart and brings a sense of peace and serenity into our lives. It's a wonderful crystal to work with to balance emotions, calm the mind and relieve stress by promoting a sense of tranquillity. It can be beneficial to use when faced with challenging decisions as it allows us to see things with an open mind and helps us to understand things clearly. If you're currently working on personal growth, pop a piece of Prehnite in your pocket or wear it as everyday jewellery, as it allows us to be more accepting of others, strengthens our intuition and supports inner peace. 


Pyrite is a strong protective stone, it is said to create a protective shield around the aura, guarding against negative energy and physical harm and also grounding the body and helping to anchor the energy of the body to the earth. Pyrite is a powerful crystal for manifesting good into our lives, it attracts abundance, wealth, prosperity and success. Pop a piece of Pyrite on your desk or wear it as jewellery whilst in a working environment, as it symbolises wealth and can be used for manifesting financial success. 


Rainbow Moonstone is a stone of new beginnings, it's a great crystal to work with if you have just started a new job, entered a new relationship or recently moved home as it heals the spirit and cleanses all the chakras, removing energy blocks and allowing new energy to flow freely, allowing us to enjoy a fresh start. Rainbow Moonstone also brings balance, harmony and hope into our lives and enhances creativity and compassion. It also intensifies feminine energy which encourages us to make mindful decisions and conscious choices.


Rhodochrosite opens the heart and allows us to give and receive love more easily. It also promotes self-love and boosts self-confidence. It's a powerful energising crystal and works closely to energise the soul and give us a more positive outlook on life. Keep Rhodochrosite close by when working on projects and taking part in new hobbies as it promotes love and passion and enhances the creative mind.


Rose Quartz is the stone of unconditional love, it opens the heart chakra and allows us to give and receive love more easily. Rose Quartz is our own little personal cheerleader, encouraging us to love ourselves inside and out. It creates a warm and soothing environment so it's perfect to place in different corners of your home, especially if you live alone as it also eases feelings of loneliness and anxiety. Carry a piece of Rose Quartz with you or wear it as jewellery, as a daily reminder that you are made of magic and are so loved.


Rose Quartz is bonded with Silver and Platinum, and is formed in a high-pressure vacuum chamber, and the precious metals give the Angel Aura Quartz its new iridescent rainbow colour. Rose Aura Quartz possesses a sweet and loving energy that will effectively stimulate and elevate your mood. It provides a protective shield around our aura. Carrying a piece of Rose Aura Quartz will remind us that we can achieve our dreams, whilst also giving us the push we need to make a change.


In the magical realm of crystal energies, Selenite is considered a versatile wand of magic, amplifying the power of other crystals and sacred tools and removing negative and unwanted energies. It acts as a channel for higher guidance and is a symbol of purity and spiritual rebirth. Selenite invites us to embark on a journey of spiritual awakening and transcendence with its crystalline structure resembling delicate fibres of light, which serve as a bridge between the earthly and celestial realms.


Shungite is associated with purification, both energetically and physically, due to its ability to absorb, transform and neutralise negative energy. It's a popular stone to work with in spiritual practices and energy work as it promotes a sense of balance and harmony whilst also creating a shield from unwanted or harmful energies.


Strawberry Quartz is often associated with the heart chakra, which is the centre of love and compassion. It promotes love and self-love and provides us with a sense of personal importance. Strawberry Quartz guides us on the path of enlightenment and provides us with inner peace, calmness and love. 


Sunstone is a wonderful self-empowering crystal, it is used to encourage independence, boost vitality and creativity and it really allows the good nature within us to shine through. It also helps us to celebrate the little joys as well as the big ones and encourages our ability to see the good in life and ourselves.


Smoky Quartz is the perfect protective crystal to carry with you in everyday life, protecting against negative energy and negative thoughts and allowing us to stay grounded in stressful situations. Smoky Quartz feels like a warm hug when times are a little difficult, by lifting low mood and easing stress and anxieties, and helping us to think with clarity and view things with optimism. 


Thulite is a pink variety of Zoisite and is associated with the heart chakra, promoting feelings of love, compassion and emotional healing. It helps us to overcome challenges related to self-worth and self-love and allows us to speak more kindly to ourselves. Thulite is also a great crystal to use for our creative side, as it clears our minds of any mental blocks we may have, making room for new ideas to flow to us freely and easily.


Tiger's Eye releases negative energy blocks and allows kinder thoughts and positive self-talk to flow through us naturally. It's a great crystal to work with if you struggle with self-confidence and self-esteem as it provides us with the courage and confidence we need to take back our power and own our magic. It lets us know we are strong, courageous and we can do anything we set our mind to.


Tourmaline in Quartz removes negative energy blocks and turns negative thoughts into positive thoughts whilst also strengthening the body's energy field to prevent negative energy from returning. It balances Yin and Yang and harmonises the chakras. Tourmaline in Quartz is a great crystal to work with if you suffer with self-destruction as it helps to eliminate destructive patterns.


Tree Agate is the stone of inner peace and works gently with the heart chakra, it brings abundance, self-love and positivity to our lives and helps us to grow emotionally and spiritually, whilst also connecting us to nature and keeping us grounded. Working with Tree Agate creates a feeling of fulfilment and gives us a sense of self-power, allowing us to celebrate even the little wins and to enjoy life to the fullest.


The mystical hues of Yttrium Fluorite elevate the spirit, illuminate the mind and harmonise the energies that flow through us. Yttrium Fluorite is a beautiful crystal to work with if you are about to begin a new project and are in need of a creativity boost as it radiates an energy of balance and transformation and helps us to manifest our dreams and ideas. This soft but mighty crystal is also thought to open gateways to hidden realms, encouraging us to delve into the realms of our consciousness and the depths of our spiritual being. On this sacred journey, Yttrium Fluorite becomes a companion, offering insights and revelations on the way.